Boston University, Questrom School of Business

M.S. Mathematical Finance & Financial Technology
Expected January 2022

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BSLAS Computer Science & Economics
Aug. 2017-May 2020
Cumulative GPA: 3.83 / 4.0

Capital University of Economics and Business

Undergraduate student of International Finance
Sep. 2015-Jun. 2017


SS&C Advent

May 20th 2019-Aug. 20th 2019

Business Analyst
• Worked 9 hours per day, and 5 days per week.
• Created information flows to introduce Tamale RMS’s product characteristics for clients including Purpose-Built, Mobility and Scalability.
• Assisted in conducting function testing, security testing and client function testing for Tamale RMS's new feature - Contact Enrichment.
• Participated in the project of SZStockScraper&SHStockScraper to grab annual reports, semiannual reports and quarterly reports from the websites of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Market and Shanghai Stock Exchange Market.
• Collected user feedback timely, generated report and submitted to superior for review.

Economics Department

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aug. 2018-May 2019

Econ Tutor
• Worked 7 hours per week.
• Helped all Econ major students solve their course related problems.
• Courses to tutor: Economic Statistics II, Inter Microeconomic Theory, Intro to Applied Econometrics, Management and Organizational Behavior, Principles of Marketing, International Business, Corporate Finance, etc.


Jul. 2017-Aug. 2017

Citibank Young Talent Summer Camp
• Worked 9 hours per day.
• Participated in the research of US dollar evolving process and factors that affect the US economy.
• Delivered professional presentation on Trump policy influence on US dollar and the expectation of American economy in the second half of 2017.
• Participated in the fortune BBS, analyzed the global financial trends to provide high-end customers with the latest investment advice and strategy.
• Performed overnight financial market analysis based on the real-time information of political economy, and predicted American and European financial bonds, stock indexes and investment trend.


Feb. 2016-Mar. 2016

Intern Analyst, International Investment & Trading Program
• Worked 9 hours per day.
• Analyzed the finance industry (e.g. buy side, sell side) and the roles played by each constituent, and Summarized the concept characteristics of foreign exchange transaction system and guarantee gold transaction.
• Registered foreign exchange simulation account to improve the practical ability of foreign exchange knowledge.
• Participated in a simulated foreign exchange trading competition in collaboration with FXCM Ltd.; Prepared regular market updates for currency trading (EUR/USD, JPY/USD, AUD/USD etc.) with 31% margin.
• Assisted in using the technical analysis method to judge the foreign exchange market and paid attention to the reversal signal in the k-line graph, ADX, MACD and RSI.

Women Basketball Team

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sep. 2017-May. 2018

• Worked 3 hours per week.
• Swept the floor.
• Handed towels and bottled waters to wemen basketball players.
• Helped wemen basketball players do training.



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Summer 2020

ClassTranscribe, aka "Netflix for learning" - is a new education video-based application developed at University of Illinois, with features that are focused on i) Improving learning outcomes for university students and ii) Providing equitable access and support for non-native speaking students and students with disabilities (including motor, cognitive, vision, and hearing).

Community Mapping

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Summer 2020

Our goal is to generate a human-oriented map of a location, to detect and characterize communities/neighborhoods for their socioeconomic properties.


Goodreads Web Scraper & Dashboard

(personal project)
March 8, 2020

Computer Language: Python
Gather information of Authors and Books from Goodreads, and save all data in MongoDB.
Books info includes book_url, title, book_id, ISBN, author_url, author, rating, rating_count, review_count, image_url and similiar_books.
Authors info includes name, author_url, author_id, rating, rating_count, review_count, image_url, related_authors and author_books.
Create web API: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE (CRUD). Then build a dashboard to present all information and allow users to manipulate data.

Nonstop Networking

(Machine Problem)
Dec. 9, 2019

Computer Language: C
Nonstop Networking is a simplified file sharing application. It enable clients upload their documents, pictures and videos to server, and download them from server.
The application supports four basic operations - GET, PUT, LIST and DELETE. Their functions are as follows: GET - Client downloads (GETs) a file from the server; PUT - Client uploads (PUTs) a file to the server; LIST - Client receives a list of files from the server; DELETE - Client deletes a file from the server.


(Machine Problem)
Sep. 30, 2019

Computer Language: C
The shell is responsible for providing a command line for users to execute programs or scripts.
Employed fork-exec-wait pattern to implement individualized Shell to handle with build-in commands, logic operators, and external commands.
Deeply understand how to use process and file status in Linux System.

SZStockScraper & SHStockScraper

(group work)
August 15, 2019

Computer Language: Python
This program can automatically grab annual reports, semiannual reports and quarterly report from Shenzhen Stock Exchange website and Shanghai Stock Exchange website.
Meanwhile, This program will create an excel with all information about each report, like entity, note type, date, title, source and attachment.


(group work)
April 30, 2019

Computer Language: Verilog
This program mainly talks about two SPIMBots work together to fill out orders and earn scores. First, SPIMBots should solve puzzles to get money. Then SPIMBots can either use money to buy ingradients, or use utilities, or spend more money to directly finish the order. Six kinds of ingradients and different kinds of utilities are separated into two side of the kitchen. Each SPIMBot can’t go to the other side, so that two SPIMBots should work togthere to cook food and provide it to customers. Everytime the SPIMBot turns in an order, the score increases by the value of the order. The value of an order is the sum of the value of its ingredients times the length of the order. In the class, different group’s SPIMBots will compete with each other. The one can get higher scores will win the game.

A mobile APP: Five-in-a-Row game

(group work)
April 30, 2018

Computer Language: Java
This program is a mobile APP, which is a Five in a Row game. The background of the chess board can automatically change according to Champaign’s weather.


Multiple Inquiries into the Multi-Billion Dollar Business of Counterfeit Goods

(group work)
December 16, 2018

This report will address an overview of counterfeit goods and how they affect the economy. The first section speaks to the effects of counterfeit on consumer confidence, economic growth (GDP), tax revenues, and FDI. It will draw that through research it is evident that counterfeit goods result in negative outcomes. The second section will explore how counterfeit goods move to the end consumer, looking at where goods are purchased and how the good will then move from production country, through legitimate distribution channels, to the end consumer. It will draw on how the counterfeit industry focuses heavily on concealing goods and how globalization and E-commerce play a role in the industry. The third section looks into consumers’ demand and lack of innovation ability as the reasons why developing countries are the producers of counterfeit. It concludes that improving the standard of living and purchasing power parity can hinder this process. The last section compares the level of intellectual property protection to the level of corruption in a country. It is concluded that international businesses need to consider the hidden costs of operating in a global environment, as there is a positive correlation between low intellectual property protection and the level of corruption in a country.

The effect of MBA statistics on salaries in the United States

(personal project)
April 29, 2018

This study investigates influence factors about average salary of people who graduate from MBA schools. The dependent variable of my study is average salary (salary), which is measured by thousand dollars. Independent variables are best business schools ranked in 2019 on US news (rank) and each schools’ average GPA score (GPA), average GMAT score (GMAT), acceptance rate, class size and the percentage of students who are employed in three months after graduate (employed).

What Commercial Banks Should Learn Under the Development of Yu'e Bao

(personal project)
May 2017

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,金融产品在互联网的普及和发展中得以创新,互联网金融逐渐成为金融业发展的趋势和重点。 余额宝无缝对接天弘基金的增利宝,得到支付宝客户的极大认可,在不足一个月内募集的规模超百亿,引起市场金融的高度关注和热烈讨论。 余额宝的推出进一步加快互联网对金融市场的重构步伐,对商业银行的冲击尤其显著。 本文简要分析商业银行当前受余额宝冲击,在在金融市场地位、银行活期存款、超短期理财产品和基金代销业务四个方面造成的影响。 并探讨余额宝对商业银行的三点启示:重视互联网“长尾效应”、 挖掘互联网渠道的潜力、制定大数据经营战略和同时发展线上直销银行及线下社区银行。

10 Strategies for Surviving a Chinese Housing Market Crisis

(personal project)
December 2016

面对中国一线城市房价大涨,三四线城市去库艰难的现状。 很多人表示担心中国经济会重演1990年日本房地产泡沫破灭和美国次级房贷危机的惨状。 本文通过分析日本房地产泡沫形成及破灭的原因,并与中国房市做对比,提出十点可以有效使中国度过房价过热的危机的有效措施。

The Standard, Law of Development and Implementation Path of World-class CBD

(personal project)
December 2016

This report summarizes the law of development and industrial characteristics of CBD. Furthermore, comprehend development tendency of CBD of New York, London, Paris and Tokyo one by one, compare their similarities and differences, and analyze development patterns of famous CBD in the world.


Public Relations Department

Capital University of Economics and Business
Sep. 2015-Jun. 2017

• Earned sponsoring money over 10000RMB each semester from “3R+ coffee” and some education institutions.
• Responsible for the recruitment planning of the club and successfully recruited 16 new members.
• Responsible for contacting previous graduates, sorting out various information about graduates, and asking alumni for their opinions and suggestions on the construction and development of the college.
• Strengthen the mutual assistance, cooperation and exchange with each department of the college's student league organization, and actively assist other departments in their work.

Consumer Economics and Finance Club

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jan. 2019-May 2020

• Invited Professor Collin Philipps discussing youth entrepreneurship, business and his personal path to success in the field of applied economics.
• Invited Professor Lyons going over tips and tricks to help students build a strong and competitive resume.
• Invited professors coming and sharing their experience and takeaways in the professional field.


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aug. 2017-Dec. 2017

• Did volunteer work in Centennial High School.
• Worked 3 hours per week.
• Tutored math in Centennial High School.

Volunteer Work at Chunmiao Saving Children Foundation

Feb. 2016-Jun. 2017

• Recorded orphans'life experiences & living conditions by taking photos.
• Posted them on WeChat accounts for raising money to cure diseased orphans.
• Provided education, psychological counseling and other services for orphans and disabled children aged 3-8 with normal intelligence.

Global Management Challenge

June 2016-July 2016

Team leader
• Made a series of decisions on the quarterly operation for the virtual enterprise in the competition according to modern enterprise management knowledge, competed with seven other virtual enterprises in the same market.
• Developed own competitive strategy, product mix and marketing mix through the establishment of various quantity models, marginal analysis, quantity game, price game.



2017 Fall Break


2018 Spring Break

Orlando, Miami, Key West

2019 Spring Break


2017 Fall Break


2018 Spring Break

Orlando, Miami, Key West

2019 Spring Break